The Grown-up's Crusade:

Stanton T. Friedman's Real Story of the UFOs


UFO's... The Real Story CD-ROM

From: Unity Publishing
MSRP: $39.95

Those just back from Tralfamadore will be delighted. Though not, perhaps, as well endowed as Montana Wildhack, UFOs... The Real Story is titillating in its own right. But, where Kurt Vonnegut only posited extra-terrestrials in order to interpret the all too human condition, Stanton T. Friedman offers this CD-ROM as non-fictive proof of their existence.

Friedman is a "well known" nuclear physicist and UFO lecturer and author who has been chasing this story for more than 36 years. Stranger still, he now lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick -- as everyone knows, a favorite pit-stop for intergalactic commuters of all stripes... and shapes. Friedman has appeared on hundreds of TV and radio shows as well as in several documentary movies. Real credibility, however, was bestowed in October 94 when Larry King hosted a TV special and dubbed him "the Dean of Ufology."

A veteran more of transmitters than transporters, Friedman enviously lends credence to anyone claiming to have been kidnapped by aliens. The disk contains accounts of such travels in text as well as a handful of short video clips of interviews with returnees.

But the central focus of UFOs... The True Story is a casual though comprehensive talk by Friedman about the existence of flying saucers in which he answers many of the ancillary questions you might have regarding the topic, too. Though you have the opportunity to play this monologue in its entirety, Unity Publishers have made the experience somewhat interactive by offering a menu of numerous pre-prepared questions which, when selected, lead to the talk's relevant section. This causes a few jumpy starts and stops as you're often cutting in or out in mid-sentence (at one point I thought my computer had jammed), but it is an effective means of tailoring your time with this CD-ROM to suit your immediate interests.

Where many might dismiss this whole topic as the ravings of a crackpot, Friedman isn't one -- or at least doesn't show himself to be one here. As well as thoroughly supporting his claims of UFO existence, he hasn't ignored the difficult questions or concerns of skeptics, and actually devotes much time to criticisms and explaining why some of his evidence doesn't withstand scrutiny.

One of his most interesting musings is on the issue of government cover-ups. In video and text, Friedman offers convincing evidence of large scale suppression by the US government and military. Exercising America's version of Freedom of Information legislation, he shows us documents relating to UFOs which Friedman struggled to obtain in their entirety, but which were entirely blacked out or heavily censored when finally forfeited.

The most useful aspect of UFOs... The Real Story is in its huge data base, which includes an extensive bibliography on UFO-related publications and the texts of several articles and studies. Friedman himself has written 60 such items alone. There's also an interactive tutorial on how to get around in that mire of information, though all but the most virginal neophyte will find this "help" tedious (it explains things like "hot spots" and how to click them).

Regardless of your personal politics, UFOs... The Real Story makes for a pleasant addition to any CD-ROM library. Aided immensely by a price at least as reasonable as Friedman himself, it's a given that all kidnapees and lapsed ET fans will buy this disk. But those with only marginal interest will find something to enjoy here, too.

Contact: Unity Publishing, 506-450-9864

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